




Apply Clear


    ADAMONT est une méthode de descente d'échelle et d'ajustement de biais de scénarios climatiques régionaux, tels que ceux du projet EUROCORDEX (voir, utilisant une méthode de correction quantile-quantile par rapport à un jeu d'observations ou de réanalyse, par exemple la réanalyse SAFRAN-Nivo, et la prise en compte de types de temps. Elle permet d'obtenir des scénarios débiaisés continus au pas de temps horaire pour les variables de température, humidité, vitesse du vent, rayonnement solaire (direct et diffus) et infrarouge, pluie et neige....


    DPOLSIMUL (Dual POLarization SIMULation) has been developped for the simulation of dual-polarization radar observations.

    The current version of DPOLSIMUL only includes the simulation of the scattering coefficients of a variety of hydrometeor types for a given radar wavelength (S, C, X, W, K...) using 2 fortran T-matrix routines. ...


    A database of surface parameters
    Open access since 30 June 2014
    See the Wiki tab for more details and the Files tab for downloads


      ECOCLIMAP Second Generation
      Open access since 10 March 2018
      See the Wiki tab for more details and the Files tab for downloads

  • EPyGrAM


    The project is now hosted on

  • evaltools

    The Python package evaltools is designed to assess surface atmosphere composition prediction models regarding to in-situ observations. This package provides different tools to compute model scores and plot them. It is used for evaluation of air quality models of Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS)....

  • hybrid_diag


    The codes "hybrid_diag" and "nicas" have been merged into "BUMP" (B matrix on a Unstrucred Mesh Package).

    You can download "BUMP" here:


    The MDSSFTD package contains the open source code to estimate the total downwelling surface solar flux (DSSF) and the corresponding diffuse fraction based on observations from the SEVIRI camera on board of the geostationary satellite MSG. MDSSFTD is based on a retrieval method uses dynamic information on gases and aerosol particles for both clear and cloudy sky conditions. The method for clear sky retrieval is referred to as SIRAMIx (Ceamanos et al., 2014) and considers a mixture of different aerosol types based on CAMS aerosol data. The approach for cloudy retrieval is an evolution of the algorithm described in Geiger et al. (2008), which now includes the consideration of a dynamic aerosol mixture thanks to SIRAMix and the calculation of the diffuse fraction based on the method described in Reindl et al. (1990). The full methodology will be presented along with an evaluation on ground stations in two companion articles (Carrer et al., 2020, in preparation)....

  • Meso-NH

    Meso-NH is the non-hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model of the French research community. It has been jointly developed by the Laboratoire d'Aérologie (UMR 5560 UPS/CNRS) and by CNRM-GAME (UMR 3589 CNRS/Météo-France).
    Open access since : April 2014
    See the Wiki tab for more details and for downloads...

  • MTool

    MTool is a generic and multi-purpose job processing tool, mostly for multi-step batch HPC simulations.
    Open access since : 5th of August, 2014
    See the Wiki tab for more details and the Files tab for downloads...



    The codes "hybrid_diag" and "nicas" have been merged into "BUMP" (B matrix on a Unstrucred Mesh Package).

    You can download "BUMP" here:


    ORILAM (ORganic Inorganic Lognormal Aerosol Model) is a three-moment lognormal aerosol scheme to be coupled in three-dimensional mesoscale or CTM models, that includes Secondary Organic Aerosol.
    Open access since : April 2014.
    See the Wiki tab for more details and the Files tab for downloads...

  • Portage ACCLIMAT


    dans l'espace DSM/EC/ECGC du projet de portage de la plateforme CNRM de simulation de climat urbain ACCLIMAT vers les bureaux d'études.

    Nous allons documenter au fur et à mesure le wiki (onglet Wiki

  • PPPY (Physical Parametrizations with PYthon)

    PPPY is a python tool designed to test parameterizations in offline mode. In particular, it has been used to execute the microphysical ICE parameterization of AROME/Meso-NH on a single point in order to simulate a temporal evolution due solely to this parameterization. This framework has allowed to correct time-step dependencies in the implementation of the parameterization. The tool was also used to evaluate and compare sedimentation formulations (in 1D mode)....

  • snowtools_git

    snowtools_git is a recommended python package to pre-process, run and post-process simulations with the SURFEX-Crocus snowpack model.
    The repository have now been moved to

  • Surfex_Git2


  • TEB

    An urban canopy parameterization.
    Open access since : 1st November 2013
    See the Wiki tab for more details and the Files tab for downloads

  • tflowclient

    The tflowclient repository is now hosted on github.


  • Traitement DACCIWA

    Le projet DACCCIWA (The Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud Interactions in West Africa) comporte un volet expérimental auquel participe l'ATR-42 de SAFIRE

    Cette campagne se déroule à partir de Lomé, au Togo, entre le 24 juin et le 11 juillet 2016.

    Instruments mis en œuvre par le CNRM et SAFIRE :...

  • traitement EXAEDRE-2018

    EXAEDRE (EXploiting new Atmospheric Electricity data for Research and the Environement) est un projet faisant suite à HyMeX pour consolider les recherches sur l'exploitation scientifique et opérationnelle d'observation et de simulation en lien avec l'électricité atmosphérique. Le volet modélisation du projet vise à améliorer les prévisions météorologiques en introduisant la donnée éclair dans la chaîne d'assimilation d'Arome....

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