



To download the code, you have to clone the DPOLSIMUL.git GIT repository:

1/ sign in on this platform (if you don't already have an account, register here:

2/ send your public SSH key (file in ~/.ssh) to , specifying the read-only or read-write access intended
If you don't already have a ssh key, create one using:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

3/ ask to add you in the project members (reader or developper)

git clone ssh://


git clone ssh://

Important : the git commands do not work with Meteo France VPN ! to use git clone, you have to deactivate the vpn connection if you work from home.

Retrieve or send modifications

To retrieve the last modifications:

git pull origin master

To send your modifications (if you are a developer and after doing a local commit):

git push origin master


The detailed working steps of the T-matrix code together with the possible choices about the hydrometeor microphysical characteristics are detailed in the attached TmatrixDocumentation.pdf file (see "Files" (1) in the bottom of this page).
Once you have downloaded the git project DPOLSIMUL.git, you can also access the documentation latex and pdf files in the directory DPOLSIMUL/TmatrixDocumentation.

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subscribe operateur_obs_radar <Firstname> <Name>

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