



(!) This page is under development, it cannot be used at all

Model output consists in:
-integrated physical properties at the scale of the whole snowpack (snow depth, snow water equivalent, surface temperature, albedo ...)
-inner snowpack physical properties, from which a profile of the physical properties of snow can be inferred
-an overview of the energy and water flux at the snowpack boundaries (atmosphere and ground)

Outputs description and their code name

  1. ZP_SNOWALB : Prognostic surface snow albedo (does not include anything but the actual snow cover)
  2. ZP_SNOWLIQ : Snow layer's liquid water content (m)
  3. ZP_SNOWTEMP: Snow layer(s) temperature (K)
  4. ZP_SNOWDZ : Snow layer's thickness (m)
  5. ZP_THRUFAL : Rate that liquid water leaves snow pack [kg/(m2 s)]
  6. ZP_EVAPCOR : Evaporation/sublimation correction term: extract any evaporation exceeding the actual snow cover (as snow vanishes). This term should be applied as a surface soil water sink in soil model. [kg/(m2 s)]
  7. ZP_GFLXCOR : Flux correction to underlying soil for vanishing snowpack (to put any energy excess from snow to soil) (W/m2)
  8. ZP_SNDRIFT : Blowing snow sublimation (kg/m2/s)
  9. ZP_EMISNOW : Snow surface emissivity
  10. ZP_SNOWHMASS : Heat content change due to mass changes in snowpack (J/m2): for budget calculations only
  11. ZP_QS : Surface humidity (kg/kg)
  12. ZP_SPEC_ALB : Spectral albedo
  13. ZP_DIFF_RATIO : Diffuse to total irradiance ratio
  14. ZP_GSFCSNOW : Heat flux between the surface and sub-surface snow layers (W/m2))
  15. ZP_SWNETSNOW (*) : Net shortwave radiation entering top of snowpack (W m-2)
  16. ZP_SWNETSNOWS (*) : Net shortwave radiation in uppermost layer of snowpack (W m-2)
  17. ZP_LWNETSNOW (*) : Net longwave radiation entering top of snowpack (W m-2)
  18. ZP_RNSNOW (*) : Net radiative flux from snow (W/m2)
  19. ZP_HSNOW (*) : Sensible heat flux from snow (W/m2)
  20. ZP_GFLUXSNOW (*) : Net heat flux from snow (W/m2)
  21. ZP_HPSNOW (*) : Heat release from rainfall (W/m2)
  22. ZP_LES3L (*) : Evaporation heat flux from snow (W/m2)ZPLEL3LReal(points)sublimation (W/m2)
  23. ZP_EVAP (*) : Total evaporative flux (kg/m2/s)
  24. ZP_RI (*) : Ridcharson number
  25. ZP_CDSNOW (*) : Drag coefficient for momentum over snow
  26. ZP_USTARSNOW (*) : Friction velocity over snow (m/s)
  27. ZP_CHSNOW (*) : Drag coefficient for heat over snow

(*)These variables are inputs/outputs in the CROCUS/SURFEX code but must not be initialized in CROCUS alone. So, we chose to put them in this page.
h2. Outputs code name, type and dimension in code

Variable name    Type     Dimension
ZP_SNOWALB        Real     (points)             
ZP_SNOWLIQ        Real     (points,layers)
ZP_SNOWTEMP       Real     (points,layers)         
ZP_SNOWDZ         Real     (points,layers)
ZP_THRUFAL        Real     (points)
ZP_EVAPCOR        Real     (points,layers)
ZP_GFLXCOR        Real     (points,layers)
ZP_SNDRIFT        Real     (points,layers)
ZP_EMISNOW        Real     (points,layers)   
ZP_SNOWHMASS      Real     (points,layers)
ZP_QS             Real     (points,layers)
ZP_SPEC_ALB       Real     (points,radiative_bands)
ZP_DIFF_RATIO     Real     (points,radiative_bands)     
ZP_GSFCSNOW       Real     (points,layers)
ZP_SWNETSNOW      Real     (points)
ZP_SWNETSNOWS     Real     (points)
ZP_LWNETSNOW      Real     (points)
ZP_RNSNOW         Real     (points)
ZP_HSNOW          Real     (points)
ZP_GFLUXSNOW      Real     (points)
ZP_HPSNOW         Real     (points)
ZP_LES3L          Real     (points)
ZP_EVAP           Real     (points)
ZP_RI             Real     (points)
ZP_CDSNOW         Real     (points)
ZP_USTARSNOW      Real     (points)
ZP_CHSNOW         Real     (points)