



(!) This page is under development, it cannot be used at all

This variables have to been initialized before calling CROCUS and they don't change after that.

Inputs description and their code name

Time and location

  • TPTIME : It is a structure include year, month, day, time :current date and time in seconds
  • PTSTEP : Time step of the integration (sec)
  • ZP_LAT : Latitude (degree)
  • ZP_LON : Longitude (degree)

Solar angles
(often already available in a surface model, but we can provide the functions if necessary)

  • ZP_DIRCOSZW : Cosinus of the angle between the normal to the surface and the vertical
  • ZP_ZENITH : Solar zenith angle from the vertical(rad)
  • ZP_ANGL_ILLUM: Effective illumination angle, Angle between the sun and the normal tothe ground (=zenith if no slope) used in TARTES (rad)

Meteorological forcing

  • ZP_PS : Surface pressure (Pa)
  • ZP_SRSNOW : Snow rate (SWE) [kg/(m2 s)]
  • ZP_RRSNOW : Rain rate [kg/(m2 s)]
  • ZP_TA : Atmospheric temperature at level za (K)
  • ZP_QA : Atmospheric specific humidity at level za (kg/kg)
  • ZP_ZREF : Reference height for temperature and humidity (m)
  • ZP_V MOD : Modulus of the wind parallel to the orography (m/s)
  • ZP_UREF : Reference height of the wind (m)
  • ZP_RHOA : Air density at level za (kg/m3)
  • ZP_EXNA : Exner function at lowest atmos level
  • ZP_LW_RAD : Atmospheric infrared radiation (W/m2)
  • ZP_SW_RAD : Incoming solar radiation (W/m2)

Only if CSNOWRAD=17, complemntary forcing variables

  • ZP_DIR_SW : Direct spectral irradiance (W/m2/um)
  • ZP_SCA_SW : Diffuse spectral irradiance (W/m2/um)
  • ZP_IMPWET : Wet deposit coefficient from Forcing File(g/m/s)
  • ZP_IMPDRY : Dry deposit coefficient from Forcing File(g/m/s)
  • ZP_PSN3L : Snow cover fraction [0-1]
Roughness lengths
  • ZP_Z0NAT : Grid box average roughness length (m)
  • ZP_Z0EFF : Roughness length for momentum (m)
  • ZP_Z0HNAT : Grid box average roughness length for heat (m)
Ground surface parameters
  • ZP_TG(:,1) : First surface layer temperature (K)
  • ZP_EXNS : Exner function at surface
  • ZP_ALB : Soil/vegetation albedo
  • ZP_SOILCOND : Soil thermal conductivity [W/(m K)]
  • ZP_D_G(:,1) : First soil layer thickness (m)
Physical options
  • CSNOWRES : Type of turbulent exchanges over snow. The following options are currently available:
  1. DEF : Louis (ISBA: Noilhan and Mahfouf 1996)
  2. RIL : Limit Richarson number under very stable conditions
  3. M98 : Martin et Lejeune 1998 : older computation for turbulent fluxes coefficients in Crocus
  • CSNOWDRIFT : Snowdrift scheme : Mechanical transformation of snow grain and com-paction + effect of wind on falling snow properties :
  1. NONE: No snowdrift scheme
  2. DFLT: falling snow falls as purely dendritic
  3. GA01: Gallee et al 2001
  4. VI13: Vionnet et al 2013
  • LSNOWDRIFT_SUBLIM : Activate sublimation during drift
  • CSNOWMETAMO : Metamorphism scheme :
  1. C13: Carmagnola et al 2014
  2. T07: Taillandier et al 2007
  3. F06: Flanner et al 2006
  • CSNOWRAD : Radiative transfer scheme :
  1. B92: Brun et al 1992
  2. T17: (Tuzet et al. 2017) (Libois et al. 2013) TARTES with impurities content scheme
  • CSNOWFALL : Falling snow scheme :
  1. V12 : Vionnet et al. 2012 from Brun et al. 1989
  2. A76 : Anderson et al. 1976-S02 Lehning el al. 2002
  3. P75 : Pahaut 1975
  4. NZE : Constant density 200 kg/m3
  • CSNOWCOND : Thermal conductivity scheme :
  1. Y81 : Crocus from Yen et al. 1981
  2. I02 : ISBAESsnow conductivity parametrization (Boone et al. 2002)
  3. C11 : Calonne et al. 2011 snow conductivity parametrization
  • CSNOWHOLD : Liquid water content scheme :
  1. B92 : Crocus from Brun et al. 1992 or Vionnet et al. 2012
  2. B02 : ISBAESparametrization (Boone et al. 2002)
  3. O04 : CLM parametrization (Oleson et al 2004)
  4. S02 : SNOWPACK aprametrization (Lehning et al 2002)
  • CSNOWCOMP :Snow compaction option :
  1. B92 : visco-elastic model using a viscosity function of density and air temperature from Brun et al, 1992 (default)
  2. S14 :non-linear relationship between settlement, stress and SSA decrease due to metamorphism from Schleef et al. (2014) for the first 48 h after snowfall. Then, B92 option.
  3. T11 :visco-elastic model using a viscosity function of density and air temperature from Teufelsbauer (2011) fitting the data of separate experimental works
  • CSNOWZREF : Reference height is constant or variable from the snow surface :
  1. CST : constant reference height from the snow surface
  2. VAR : variable reference height from the snow surface (i.e. constantfrom the ground)
For coupling with blowing snow module
(deposition flux = 0 if no blowing snow module)
  • ZP_BLOWSNW : Properties of deposited blowing snow (from Sytron or Meso-NH/Crocus):
  1. Deposition flux (kg/m2/s)
  2. Density of deposited snow (kg/m3)
  3. Optical diameter
  4. Sphericity
Implicit coefficients for coupling with an atmospheric model
(fixed parameters if no coupling)
  • HIMPLICITWIND : Wind implicitation option
  1. OLD: direct
  2. NEW: Tayler serie, order 1
  • ZP_PEW_A_COEF : Wind coefficient (m2s/kg)
  • ZP_PEW_B_COEF : Wind coefficient (m/s)
  • ZP_PET_A_COEF : A-air temperature coefficient
  • ZP_PEQ_A_COEF : A-air specific humidity coefficient
  • ZP_PET_B_COEF : B-air temperature coefficient
  • ZP_PEQ_B_COEF : B-air specific humidity coefficient

Inputs code name, type and dimension in code

Variable name    Type            Dimension             
CSNOWRES          Character        3  
HIMPLICITWIND     Character        3
ZP_PEW_A_COEF     Real             1
ZP_PEW_B_COEF     Real             1
ZP_PET_A_COEF     Real             1
ZP_PEQ_A_COEF     Real             1
ZP_PET_B_COEF     Real             1
ZP_PEQ_B_COEF     Real             1
PTSTEP            Real             1
ZP_PS             Real             (points)
ZP_SRSNOW         Real             (points)
ZP_RRSNOW         Real             (points)
ZP_PSN3L          Real             (points)
ZP_TA             Real             (points)
ZP_TG(:,1)        Real             (points)
ZP_SW_RAD         Real             (points)
ZP_QA             Real             (points)
ZP_V MOD          Real             (points)
ZP_LW_RAD         Real             (points)
ZP_RHOA           Real             (points)
ZP_UREF           Real             (points)
ZP_EXNS           Real             (points)
ZP_EXNA           Real             (points)
ZP_DIRCOSZW       Real             (points)
ZP_ZREF           Real             (points)
ZP_Z0NAT          Real             (points)
ZP_Z0EFF          Real             (points)
ZP_Z0HNAT         Real             (points)
ZP_ALB            Real             (points)
ZP_SOILCOND       Real             (points)
ZP_D_G(:,1)       Real             (points)
ZP_ZENITH         Real             (points)
ZP_ANGL_ILLUM     Real             (points)
ZP_LAT            Real             (points)
ZP_LON            Real             (points)
ZP_BLOWSNW        Real             (points,blowingsnow variables)
CSNOWDRIFT        Character        4
LSNOWDRIFT_SUBLIM Logical          True/False
CSNOWMETAMO       Character        4
CSNOWRAD          Character        4
ZP_DIR_SW         Real             (points,radiativebands)
ZP_SCA_SW         Real             (points,radiativebands)
ZP_IMPWET         Real             (points,impuritytypes )
ZP_IMPDRY         Real             (points,impuritytypes)
CSNOWFALL         Character        4
CSNOWCOND         Character        4
CSNOWHOLD         Character        4
CSNOWCOMP         Character        4
CSNOWZREF         Character        4