


About CSELECT options

In the namelist, CSELECT allows you to choose output. For example, in the standard namelist, you have:

Here you can find long name for a part of these variables (alphabetical order for shortname):
ASN_VEG = Snow Albedo
DRAIN_ISBA = Subsurface_runoff_flux
DSN_T_ISBA = Thickness_of_snowfall_amount
EVAP_ISBA = Surface_water_evaporation_flux
GFLUX_ISBA = Ground flux over tile nature
H_ISBA = Surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
LE_ISBA = Surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
LWD_ISBA = Surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
LWU_ISBA = Surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
MMP_VEG = Cumulative water consumption for snowmaking (kg/m2)
RAINF_ISBA = Rainfall_flux
RAMSOND_ISBA = Penetration of ram resistance sensor
REFRZTH_ISBA = Thickness of refrozen snow at the top of the snowpack
RN_ISBA = Surface_net_downward_radiative_flux
RSN_VEG = Snow Density (kg/m3)
RUNOFF_ISBA = Surface_runoff_flux
SD_1DY_ISBA = Accumulated snow thickness for past 1 days
SD_3DY_ISBA = Accumulated snow thickness for past 3 days
SD_5DY_ISBA = Accumulated snow thickness for past 5 days
SD_7DY_ISBA = Accumulated snow thickness for past 7 days
SNOWDEND = Dendricity
SNOWDZ = Thickness (m)
SNOWGRAN1 = Optical diameter (m)
SNOWGRAN2 = Sphericity
SNOWHEAT = Snow Enthalpy (J/m2)
SNOWLIQ = Snow Liquid Water Content (kg/m3)
SNOMLT_ISBA = Snow melting rate
SNOWRAM = RAM Resistance (daN)
SNOWSHEAR = Shear Resistance (kPa)
SNOWSIZE = Grain size (m)
SNOWSPHER = Sphericity
SNOWSSA = Snow SSA (specific surface area, m2/kg)
SNOWTEMP = Temperature (K)
SNOWTYPE = Grain type (EN)
SWE_1DY_ISBA = Accumulated snow water equivalent for past 1 days
SWE_3DY_ISBA = Accumulated snow water equivalent for past 3 days
SWE_5DY_ISBA = Accumulated snow water equivalent for past 5 days
SWE_7DY_ISBA = Accumulated snow water equivalent for past 7 days
SWD_ISBA = Surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
SWU_ISBA = Surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
TALB_ISBA = Surface_albedo
TG1 = Temperature of soil layer 1(depth 0.0050 m)
TG4 = Temperature of soil layer 4(depth 0.0800 m)
TS_ISBA = Surface_temperature
WBT = Wet bulb temperature (°C)
WET_TH_ISBA = Thickness of wet snow at the top of the snowpack
WG1 = Liquid water content of soil layer 1(depth 0.0050 m)
WGI1 = Solid water content of soil layer 1(depth 0.0050 m)
WSN_T_ISBA = Surface_snow_amount = Total_snow_reservoir
WSN_VEG = Snow Water Equivalent (m)

SNOWPAPPUS outputs: (MPI grid only)
Cumulated :
QDEP_TOT = total wind-blown snow net deposition rate q dep (kg.m −2 .s −1 )
QT_TOT = total wind-blown horizontal vertically integrated snow transport rate Q t (kg.m −1 .s −1 )
Q_OUT_SUBL = sublimation rate q subl (kg.m −2 .s −1 )
SNOWDEBTC = cumulated amount of snow which should have been removed on the point but was not because it became snow-free (kg.m −2 )

BLOWSNWFLUX_1M = horizontal blowing snow flux 1 m above snow surface (kg.m −2 .s −1 )
BLOWSNWFLUXINT = average horizontal blowing snow flux between 0.2 and 1.2 m Q t,int (kg.m −1 .s −1 )
Q_OUT_SALT = total horizontal transport rate in the saltation layer Q salt (kg.m −1 .s −1 )
Q_OUT_SUSP = total horizontal transport rate in the suspension layer Q susp (kg.m −1 .s −1 )
XVFRIC_PAPPUS = wind friction velocity computed by Snowpappus u ∗ (m.s −1 )
XVFRIC_T_PAPPUS = threshold friction velocity (at ground level) for snow transport u ∗,t (m.s −1 )
XPZ0_PAPPUS = roughness length for momentum z 0 (m) used by Snowpappus
XVFALL_PAPPUS = mass averaged terminal fall velocity of snow particles at the bottom of the suspension layer v f (m.s −1 )
SNFLX_1M_P = snow transport flux integrated up to 1m height
SNFLXINT_P = snow transport flux integrated on height

Impurities explicit:
SNOWIMP1 = Concentration of Soot (g/g)
SNOWIMP2 = Concentration of Dust (g/g)
SPEC_TOT = Total incident spectral radiation (unit ?) over 186 spectral bands (300, 320, ..., 4000 nm)
SPEC_ALB = Snow spectral albedo over 186 spectral bands (300, 320, ..., 4000 nm)
DIFF_RATIO = Diffuse to total spectral irradiance ratio

You can find other variables in SURFEX documentation: