


Installation - from version 1.4.9 onwards:

CNRM workstations and team servers:

  • ask CTI the synchronisation of /home/common/epygram and /home/common/sync/vortex
  • /home/common/epygram/public/EPyGrAM/stable/_install/ -h
    (help) => choose your options (-b, -v, -e, -u) and then:
  • python3 /home/common/epygram/public/EPyGrAM/stable/_install/ [-b] [-v]
  • then refer to the instructions in output

Supercomputers belenos & taranis:

  • module load python/3.7.6nomkl
  • ~mary/public/EPyGrAM/stable/_install/ -h
    (help) => choose your options (-b, -v, -e, -u) and then:
  • python3 ~mary/public/EPyGrAM/stable/_install/ [-b] [-v]
  • then refer to the instructions in output

Note: to install eccodes/python (or any other package using pip), one shall specify to pip the certificate to use. It is copied on ~mary/.https/proxy1.pem, hence the command shall look like:
pip3 install --user --cert ~mary/.https/proxy1.pem eccodes

Note2: if you are not connected with ssh -X, for graphical applications you will also have to force non-interactive backend with one of the following ways:
  • export MPLBACKEND=Agg
  • in ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc, set:
    backend: Agg

DSI dev servers (sotrtm3[1-4]-sidev)

  • In short:
    • force python2.7 instead of the default 2.6 on these machines (Advice: add in your .bash_profile):
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      unset PYTHONPATH
    • python2 ~marp999/epygram/EPyGrAM/next/_install/ -e [-b] [-v]
    • then refer to the instructions in output

From a de-tar-ed version of EPyGrAM or an EPyGrAM repository:

  • python3 _install/ [-b]
  • then refer to the instructions in output