Release of v1.3.2
Commit commit:1cfe0f1
Contents, since 1.2.15:
epygram is now Python3-compatible, EXCEPT that neither gribapi nor ecCodes is...
Geometries:- new geometry RotatedLonLat
- get rid of home-made module
) - more consistent azimuth() between geometries (caution: non-reproducible with former method, available through plane_azimuth())
- more consistent use of geoid in distance/linspace/azimuth (caution: non-reproducible with before)
- Gauss grid: resolution_field_from_stretching
- better handling of the gribapi indexes bug (the former led to "Too many open files error")
- ecCodes support, with a switch to use gribapi/eccodes and default to ecCodes
- more options in the writing of fields
- use vortex' ftppool for faster and more reliable transfers
- new mechanism for interfacing Fortran routines (arpifs4py)
- stricter equality between objects, new function tolerant_equal()
- rationalisation of init_env()
- GeoPoints format: more modular
- numerous various fixes...
- doc and Field_Dict_FA updates